Monday, October 20, 2008

US Nationals...Let's Go Carolina!

Team Liquidity...who are these guys (what is liquidity anyway)? Well, if you didn't know they were throwing together a 4-way team, join the club, but there have been rumors that something would get put togehter. So...after Day 1 of the competition, Liquidity (Kyle, Joey, Jurga, Pete and Jorge) have done pretty well. They are currently in seventh place alone with a good opportunity to move up in the standings with a strong finish. I spoke with Jorge tonight and despite a good Day 1, he sounded a little disappointed.....I suppose it could always be a little better, but 7th out of 24 teams sounds pretty good to me! I just put together this blog tonight (it's 12:30am). I'll be flying out to AZ in the morning to catch the tail end of the 4-way competition....I'll report all the happenings as it happens!

1 comment:

jeanne said...

Hi James! Thank you for keeping us home bound fans up-to-date on our Carolina teams' progress. Love the photos too! Keep it coming and let the team know we are there in spirit.